Common Peace Community

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Check out this quick overview of the Breaking the Silence curriculum Friends of Justice has created!

The Common Peace Community recruits, trains, and empowers people of faith as agents of God’s transformation in their church and community.

The letter to the Ephesians presents Jesus as the “peace” that breaks down the wall between Jews and Gentiles.  This same gracious principle applies to every barrier that keeps human beings from caring for one another. The Logo for the Common Peace Community Initiative incorporates a wall cracking around cross shaped window. The cross represents the compassion of God which breaks down all barriers of hostility and oppression.

Friends of Justice breaks the silence, reclaiming the core Gospel of good news to the poor and liberty to the oppressed in order to reestablish the mission of transforming the world into a Common Peace Community.

Our Common Peace Community initiative responds to three major challenges for transformation in American churches: the lack of personal encounter with issues of justice like incarceration, poverty, homelessness,and immigration;the lack of a basic biblical narrative and theology that engages the struggles of poor and marginalized people; and the tendency of mainline congregations to avoid divisive issues.

The silence of the church is deafening.

Friends of Justice has the experience, perspective, and credentials to address this silence.

Our first step is to introduce our newly developed curriculum Breaking the Silence to faith leaders. Breaking the Silence reintroduces existing classes and small groups to the God of scripture who loves everybody, all the time, no matter what.  Breaking the Silence unpacks the scriptures at the heart of the mission and ministry of Jesus, emphasizing what Jesus meant when he asked his disciples to pray that God’s kingdom would break into our daily lives so that God’s will could be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Those who have emerged as leaders in the study will be recruited to become the core of a Common Peace Community and equipped to teach the Breaking the Silence curriculum in their own communities of faith.  As the Common Peace process unfolds, a cadre of mature and gifted leaders with a vision of God’s work in the world will emerge. Imagine a world transformed by a Common Peace Community church

Participate in The Common Peace Community with a secure donation to Friends of Justice today!

Become a monthly supporter and receive our thank-you gift: a copy of Taking Out the Trash, the story of the Tulia drug sting scandal that gave birth to our movement for justice.